Wednesday, July 18, 2007

'Quiet time' redeemed

Due to life taking some turns within the last few weeks, graduating, accepting an opportunity to go teach in France, seeing friends move further away, feeling the pull of home, breaking up with a great girl, I had to just get quiet. The feeling was disconnect. There is a line in a worship song that goes, "too many voices vying for attention"... and this was and is me. I have been so bombarded with outside voices I have lost touch with the one that is most important... the one inside me. The voice that I do believe is governed by Jesus, and what makes us come alive when we follow it.
I have been anything but alive for the past few weeks. Stress galore, trying to 'figure out' this just doesn't work like that.

so i left

I went up to Winchester Mountain in the cascades. I took some food and a book, Prince Caspian, my journal and my bible. I didn't open my bible, I wrote about four lines in my journal and I finished the book. I walked around a little, but I made myself sit mostly, for 36 hours. On the way up I had to lay down all the pressure I had been feeling, all the pressure I was putting on this trip to be the fix all. I freaked out the first night, just about packed up and went home... I am so glad I didn't.

In a society where we are battered by noise, suggestions, and marketing tactics...what better way to listen than be in silence.