Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Breathing Deeply

The first and most stressful part of the trip is over. I am in the Oakland airport at 8:05 pm after getting up at 4:10 am in Tacoma, flying to California leaving my 90lbs of baggage to the airline hoping that they would be there twelve hours later, going into the city, getting this visa, which was almost enough to make me throw up anyway, meet a friend for dinner, and then get back to the airport to make a 10:05 flight to Atlanta then onto Chicago.

The visa!
This is now my third trip to San Francisco for a visa. The first time wasn’t pretty but it got done, the second was a failure all together, and this time it went off without a hiccup.
If you have had the distinct privilege of getting a visa, you know that it is bureaucratic and has more to do with the mood of the person giving you the visa than the actually requirements. Thank God I got one of the good humored ones. Again thank you all who have been supportive.