Saturday, May 8, 2010

good things

The last few months have been really, really good. I mean, i know that there are some weeks and months that are better than others, for all of us, but by in large i can say that things have been relatively wonderful. My wife first of all is really great and she makes me feel good and she is pretty great at making things out of cloth and she is just plain fantastic.
I have been working a whole lot and feeling pretty good about my activity level which brings me to this post, and picture.
I fixed a friends bike a few days ago and decided that since he lived close to the fire station and I was going to be there today to help out, I thought I would ride there and run back. Not a huge distance, but a fun and good run none the less. It took me about an hour and much twisting and turning and backtracking along Bellingham's great city trail system to finally get home.

Chocolate milk..... The only thing i wanted and my body craved it. And justifying it by reminding myself that somewhere in some wacky, yet reliable, sports magazine, i had read how chocolate milk was one of the best recovery drinks out there. And there is truly NONE better than Twin Brook Chocolate Milk. Local company, reusable bottles, not to sweet by any means, and on a sunshiny Bellingham day that wakes us out of our winter drowsiness and reminds us summer is here, it is true bliss. And summers in Bellingham... the next few months are going to be exceptionally good, yes indeed.


Kiki said...

Hey Hunter!
So you are married now...GONGRATS! Me too..we got married in May this year :) Just though of you and hoping everything is well..enjoy married life and the chocolate milk :p /kiki

earl sullivan said...


earl sullivan said...