Sunday, February 25, 2007

to have worked

I looked down at my arms this evening as I sit to start homework that is due tomorrow. Dirty, a little beat up, tired, I have done battle with my truck this entire day. Trying to change the timing chain and gears, although I spent all day just trying to get to them, I am far from done.
But I do have a small sense of accomplishment. I like that I gave it a try, I like that I am dirty. It was an entire day outside, some of it under a tarp to try and stay dry as I took apart my engine part by messy part.
The life application... this is what is happening to me, I feel like my truck at this point. Sort of spread out over the ground, messy, covered in coolant and grease, dirty. A little chaotic. As I looked at all the nuts and bolts and parts, I was trying to remember where everything went and which parts went where, I should have written it all out. Like I said it was a perfect metaphor for what I am going through. The hope though, and I am trying to look at this more and more, is that there is a better and a bettering that is happening here. That is all.


lisa. said...

there is...

earl sullivan said... to become what you will be.

Patrick said...

Hunter, I like your writing and here's the deal: I just like you. I think you're one of the few people that I just plain like. I don't like certain things about you, I don't have times when I do like you and when I don't, I just really appreciate who you are and how honest you are about what you go through. I feel like you're a person who I really learn from. Sometimes I learn from people by what they say, but I think I learn from the way you live. You're a lot like Jesus in that respect which is bomb. I love how you like to be taken apart and put back together.