Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Tuesday starts with the game of see-how-long-I-can-stay-in-bed-until-I-HAVE-to-brave-the-freezing-air. It lasts till 6:45. I happily walk past the busses I have missed twenty minutes ago. Meet Angelina at the municipal electric building to drive to school. Thirty-minute small talk session. She shushes me to hear about the riots that happened south of Paris. First class doesn’t show because they have to make up another class. I wander to the teacher’s lounge to fill five hours between classes. The university kids here are on strike; so to be ‘one’ all the high school kids decide to follow suit. However, one of my friends is an organizer and decides to call it off because most just want a day off. I eat lunch with the teachers; teach two classes that average out to be below bearable, and meet my ‘new’ Peugeot mountain bike. Dragging it over to the climbing wall, I freeze for four hours before Jean Baptist takes me home.


Unknown said...

i like this daily, word count storytelling. and you got a bike! a snooty french one nonetheless, excitement ensues.

Garrett said...

keep it going, i think this should continue until you leave france and return to bellingham, thanks.

Lisa said...

based on how cold YOU are over there, i'm certain i'd be an ice statue by now...
absolutely certain.